
Protecting sage grouse benefits us all

Tom Puchlerz

As someone who enjoys spending time in the vast prairies of Montana, I have been fortunate enough to witness the wise grouse performing their mating dance. The males puff out their chests, deflate their air sacs, and fan their tail feathers every spring morning to attract mates.

In my lifetime, the sage grouse population has declined by as much as 80%. Because of this decline, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is revising its sage grouse management plans for more than 67 million acres in 11 western states. The new management plans seek to use the latest scientific data to strike a balance between conservation and local land use, while promoting collaboration among federal, state and local entities to commit to the bird’s recovery.

The BLM is seeking public input on proposed land management changes to preserve sagebrush habitat. The proposed changes include measures to minimize and offset impacts on sage-grouse, such as establishing protective zones around sage-grouse mating areas, managing mineral development and livestock grazing in certain areas, setting limits on disturbances of habitat, manage wild horse and burro populations, and prevent renewable energy projects from being built in important sage grouse habitat.

As stewards of Montana – hunters, fishermen and conservationists – it is our responsibility to advocate for policies that protect these habitats. The fragmentation of our sagebrush ecosystem not only harms sage grouse, but other wildlife and ecological communities that depend on them. Therefore, I will comment on the protection of the last remaining intact areas of sagebrush habitat, such as the High Divide, the Hi-Line, and southeastern Montana.

The public comment period for these amendments is open until June 13. This is our chance to support a plan that protects our wide-open spaces. I urge everyone to participate and support the BLM’s efforts to identify and protect the last remaining intact areas of sagebrush.