
Climate change puts Hong Kong on the boil as the city reels under ‘very hot weather’ warning – YP

Hong Kong has been issued a ‘very hot weather’ warning by the Observatory on the day of the summer solstice. The warm weather is expected to last throughout the weekend. A weather expert has warned that heatwaves in the city will increase due to climate change.

The warning, the second this year, was accompanied by a lengthy heat alarm at 6:45 am.

“Under the influence of the subtropical ridge, the weather over the Guangdong coast is generally good,” the forecaster said.

“The maximum temperature will be around 33 degrees Celsius (91.4 Fahrenheit) in urban areas and a few degrees higher in the New Territories.

“Under prolonged heat, members of the public should remain alert to avoid sunstroke or other discomfort associated with very hot weather and pay due attention to health conditions.”

According to the forecast, temperatures could rise to 34 degrees on Saturday and Sunday.

The city marked the hottest day of the year amid widespread heatwaves in countries including the United States, Mexico and Greece.

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Leung Wing-mo, former assistant director of the Observatory, said climate change played a “crucial role” in the city’s very hot days and growing number of heat waves.

He added that every 0.1 degree increase in temperatures would lead to a “major increase” in the number of heat waves, citing a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“Without exception, heat waves are the extreme weather strongly associated with global warming,” he said.

According to calculations by the Post, Hong Kong averaged about 27 very hot days per year between 2010 and 2019. In the past three years, that number has risen to more than fifty.

According to the Observatory’s latest climate projections, Hong Kong could experience as many as 80 very hot days by mid-century under the highest scenario for greenhouse gas emissions.

Leung added that the summer solstice also played a role in bringing high temperatures to the city.

Expert Leung Wing-mo says climate change plays a “crucial role” during the city’s very hot days and the growing number of heat waves. Photo: Jelly Tse

The summer solstice is when the sun climbs above the Tropic of Cancer, which Leung says is at a similar latitude to that of Hong Kong.

“It means the sun is almost directly over Hong Kong, so the solar intensity is strongest at this time of year,” he said, adding that the normally wet and cloudy weather in June would tend to dampen its effects.

But he also said there may be fewer very hot days overall this year, compared to 2023, as the world is transitioning from an El Nino to La Nina.

“The effect of La Nina is cooling seawater in the eastern equatorial Pacific, so I don’t expect as many very warm weather days as last year,” he said.

The Center for Health Protection also called on the public to take extra care of the elderly, pregnant women and children, and watch out for any symptoms of heatstroke.

“The public should carry and drink enough water to prevent dehydration during outdoor activities,” a center spokesperson said.

“Those who engage in strenuous outdoor activities should avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, and alcohol, as they accelerate water loss through the urinary tract.”

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An orange warning for heat stress at work was also issued by the Ministry of Labor at 8:50 am. It indicates high heat stress in certain work environments.

Outdoor workers are reminded to take necessary precautions against hot weather, per department guidelines.

Appropriate rest breaks should be arranged hourly, as far as reasonably practicable, to reduce the risk of heatstroke among workers, a department spokesperson said.

People showing symptoms of heat-related illness, such as headache, dizziness, thirst and nausea, should rest in a cool and shady place, drink water and inform employers and supervisors to take appropriate action immediately, he added.

The last very hot warning was issued on June 13 and lasted more than 3½ hours.